Wooden corner bench and decking and Bar

Wooden corner bench and decking.

This is a wooden corner bench and decking I made using old pallets that I had collected and 3" x 2" timber for the frames for both the bench and the decking, and a few pieces of external plywood to finish off the ends and fronts of the benches.

I started by making sure that the area was clear and ready to put the frames in. Next, to get the planks I split down the pallets and then had to remove the nails from all the planks and sand them down.

I made the frame for the bench first using 3" x 2" timber and a 100mm coated screws I made two oblong frames and joined them together, I then set the frame in place, It took 8 x 2.4 m lengths of 3"x 2" timber to make the frame for the benches.

The next step was to make a frame for the decking, This was also constructed using 3" x 2" timber and then it was attached it to the bench using through bolts. It took 7 x 2.4 m lengths of 3" x 2" timber and I used 100mm coated screws to fix the the 3" x 2" timber together to make the frame. I  then levelled them both off and secured them in place, ready for the next stage of constructon.

Finally, I used the sanded pallet boards to cover the bench and the decking using 50mm coated screws and counter sinking them. The plywood was attached to the ends and front of the benches to complete the look,  It was then coated in yacht varnish so it would be weather proof.

If you have any questions drop me a message .


Outdoor Bar 

This really useful Outdoor bar/ serving area is made from pallets. It's good looking, has plenty of storage room and counter top space and it's great for those summertime barbecues and parties. On top of all that, it's dead easy to make, what more could you want for a nice easy project?

 I picked out four pallets, removed the nails, sanded them down and put them to one side. Next, I turned one of the pallets on to its edge to be used for the front of the bar. I used some planks from a split down pallet to fill in any gaps in the wood.

 I repeated the process to form the side piece. As I wanted a double counter for the front of the bar, I turned the pallet on its side and cut 200mm off  to give the height difference between the two pallets as you can see in the image below.

 I fixed the two pallets together at the corner.

For the back of the bar, the process above is repeated again, using half a pallet instead of a full one, and again the height is reduced by 200mm so that it is the same height as the side.This is then fixed to the side piece at the corner.

I used pallet planks to create the counter tops, and on the inside, I constructed shelving using cut down pallets with the gaps filled in the same way as for the rest of the bar as you'll be able to see in the following pictures.


   Images from the inside  

I used 100 mm coated screws to attach the sides to each other and used 30mm coated screws for the tops and shelves.

To support the lower counter top and the shelves at the front of the bar, I simply used a couple of pallet planks as uprights for support  as you can see from the images.

This bar was finished off with clear varnish to protect it against the weather, but obviously, its wood, so can be stained, varnished or painted to suit yourself.

If you have any question just drop me a message.


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